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Miisis, The Sorceress of Darknez 
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There is myth in Darknez that when the blue mists of Dragoner swept the night, Miisis would lift the Magic Circle toward the heavens and capture the moon and stars in it's depths. It is then she could foretell what was to befall the Kingdom of Darknez and it's inhabitants. It had been said that she foretold of the coming betrayal of King Lexum at the hands of his son, Prince Neba. Mayhem befell the kingdom with this prediction and Miisis was sent into exile. Shortly thereafter, King Lexum was assassinated. There are those who believe Miisis was the cause. It is said she still roams when the blue mists descend, the Magic Circle of moon and stars gleaming in her hand. It is also said that King Lexum can be heard crying in her wake. So it is written.

Mermaids, Fairies and The Fantasy Within Collection